Everything but the….

When I’ve been busy and the veggies are nearing their expiration, I usually chop ’em and roast ’em as a quick way to avoid losing them to the compost bin. That’s worked great, but I wanted to try something different this time. Being iced in today, I decided to try a recipe a dear friend shared with me called Kitchen Sink Soup. The thing I’m discovering I love about soup is that you can’t go wrong! I basically cleaned out the vegetable bin into a stock pot. Here’s a list of what I threw in mine:

2 turnips (peeled and diced)
2 red beets (peeled and diced)
Some celery that was wilting (chopped)
1 onion (diced)
A few small garlic cloves that were too small to be useful (chopped a bit)
Some lettuce that was wilting (torn into smallish pieces)
Some left over carrot ginger soup I’d made that didn’t turn out very well
1 sweet potato (peeled and chopped into medium-sized chunks)
Some left over roasted acorn squash wedges that I wasn’t fond of (I sliced off the tuff skin)
Juice of 1 lime that I forgotten about
salt, pepper and tarragon
Enough almond/coconut milk to mostly cover everything
Water to thin the consistency after I used an immersion blender to smooth it all out into soup.

I put the garlic and onion in the pot first with a spoonful of coconut oil to soften them up for a few minutes on medium-low heat. Then, I tossed everything in the pot, brought it to a boil, turned down the heat, put a lid on it, and simmered it until the sweet potato chunks were really soft. I let it cool a bit before blending.I have to admit, it looked absolutely awful when it was cooking. I thought maybe I’d taken the “everything but the kitchen sink” thing a bit too far, and I about wrote it off as a failed experiment. I saw it through, and toward the end, it started turning a nice tomato red. When I blended it all up, it turned a fantastic bright red!

Fuel for the mind and body on a cold day...and I cleaned out the veggie bin!

Fuel for the mind and body on a cold day…and I cleaned out the veggie bin!

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